We consider ourselves blessed to be a business who has remained relevant and going strong for almost 50 years and we believe it’s important to give back through different organizations and opportunities such as Dental Lifeline Network/Donated Dental Services, AACD Give back a smile, and Oral Health America. But one of the most rewarding experiences has been our involvement in the Belize mission project.
The Belize Mission Project was started in 1993 by Dr. Frank Whipps a practicing orthodontist in Centralia, IL as a way to help people in a third world country with medical and dental needs. It is a NON-profit trip that is not affiliated with any particular denomination or church but participants are expected to act in a loving Christian manner while helping those they are there to serve. The group consists of a very diverse set of people from all ages and backgrounds with one similarity…a desire to volunteer their time and talents to serve others less fortunate with dental, medical and spiritual needs.
The 3 main project goals are:
1. Introduce people to the idea of going on a mission trip
2. Practice Medicine and Dentistry in a Christian manner
3. Give project participants a chance to think about what is really important in their lives.
John has had the great opportunity of participating in the project for the past two years and is planning his third trip there is fall. Last year he took his wife and two daughters and were able to bless the lives of many people through free dentistry and providing fluoride treatment and toothbrushes to the kids, and then distributing rice and beans to some the countries poorest citizens.
We are grateful for those who contributed toothbrushes, toothpaste, fluoride and money towards the project last year and know that it was used for so much good, your generosity truly blessed the great people of Belize. The project is in need of dentists, hygienists, dental assistants and support personnel, if you are interested please contact John and we will again be welcoming any donations of toothbrushes and fluoride.