Smile Makeover

Oral Health History

The Evolution of Oral Health

Oral health has a deeply rooted  history. (see what I did there?) As a cosmetic dentistry dental lab and an active participant in the dental industry, we have seen plenty of things come and go. Whether it is new product and material, developments in technology, or simply new application, we’ve witnessed a lot. Of course, the way things continue to improve is evidence that we are yet to see some of the greatest advancements in dental care. To be honest, it is pretty impressive to sit back and consider how far we’ve come since oral care was even recognized. On that note, we thought it would be a great opportunity to take a look back at the evolution of oral health throughout history.

cosmetic dental history

We love making beautiful smiles, and it wouldn’t be possible without the hard work and dedication from all those who have gone before and led us to this point. We feel lucky to be able to play a small role in people’s lives and make beautiful smiles our crowning achievement. (There it goes again)