We are excited to partner with 360 Imaging to provide guided surgery for all major implants. From single implants to full arch implants, we are an authorized Dental Lab that will help you bring the digital revolution to your implants by providing the planning, placement , temporary and restorative restorations.
The beauty of working with Treasure Dental Lab and 360 Imaging is the ability to provide flapless guided implant placement where you can have a PMMA temporary already made before you even place the implant.
Using 3D CBCT scan data we can help you diagnose, plan, and perform dental implant rehabilitations with increased predictability, patient comfort and superior esthetic results.Please contact us for scan protocols to insure accurate information is obtained. For denture patients there are SureMark CT-Scan Markers that need to be placed before scanning.
Once a treatment plan is agreed upon, it can be accurately translated into a surgical template that is designed and ordered from their production facility in Atlanta, Georgia. 360 surgical guides facilitate safe, minimally invasive surgery that results in less patient pain, reduced swelling and shortened healing times.
Increase Predictability and Safety
360Guide helps you to predictably transfer your treatment plan into clinical reality. Complete information about the quality and quantity of the bone makes it possible for you to determine the ideal location for your patient’s implants. This will increase the probability for a successful operation. Knowledge of the exact location of important anatomy, such as the mandibular nerve and the maxillary sinus cavities, provide confidence that implant placement will proceed smoothly and safely. Surgical guides help ensure that all of your patient’s implants are properly placed using all of this valuable information.
Reduce Implant Surgery Time & Costs
Once you start to utilize 360 software and a surgical guide, the time taken for the entire procedure of surgery will drastically come down. Besides, you will minimize any future complications that might arise out of an implant surgery done since you have a thorough knowledge of your patient’s anatomy.
Surgical Guides ensure that you get a detailed plan of the procedure and accurate realization of the different components involved. Incidentally, you will start to treatment plan more case, which will lead to better case acceptance, which will lead to better results for your patients, which gives you more success with higher profit margins.
Drilling Recipes are Included
Each 360Guide is delivered along with its own surgical protocol for Implant site preparation. These recipe sheets based on your guided surgery kit will provide you with detailed information regarding proper drill sequence and tube adapter selection for the surgical preparation of each implant site.
With 360 surgical guides and drill sheets, drilling becomes all you are left to do during Surgery.
Digital Precision for all Indications
- Tooth-supported Surgical Guide
- Mucosa-supported Surgical Guide
- Bone-supported Surgical Guide
- Bone Reduction Guide
- Zygomatic Guide